Monday, February 15, 2010

dear Juliet...

I felt like writing a letter to someone who understands how heartbreaking feels... It seems like everytime i turn around eithier my best friends or family are doing something to break my heart... The only person who understands i think is the best person in my life.... Dakota.... he listens doesnt exactly respond but i know he listens.... The best person in my life used to be Alex but he has changed in my eyes... My question for you (being juliet) is do you think my "best friend" is really my friend?? She is one of the sweetest girls... sometimes... other times everything has to be about her... call me jealous idc... but people who know her know its true...
It feels good to get these things off my chest... I have been waiting forever to talk to someone... everytime i go to talk to her about it she insists i am mad at her and im not I just want her to stop wanting and showing... I love her as my best friend but does she love me??
The only person i know who loves me as my best friend is my boyfriend Dakota...
Thanks for listening,
Beautiful disaster...

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